Best Add Ins For Powerpoint: A Comprehensive List

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Microsoft PowerPoint is a strong software for making visual presentations that grab attention but the standard stuff inside PowerPoint might not be enough for what you need. This where plug-ins steps in – these little programs expands what PowerPoint can do and let’s you do extra with your slideshows.

In a detailed rundown we explores several top PowerPoint add-ons that could improve you presentation and elevate it. We also talks about what each plug-in does and the advantages they brings so you decides which one fits your necessity best.

What is an add-in?

A software application which be called an add-in, it can to install and gets integrated with Microsoft PowerPoint for give extra feature and functions. Them applications is mean to boost up how PowerPoint work and make its more better for user friendliness they have.

Third-party developer make add-ins with programs language like Visual Basic for Applications or JavaScript. Them can also download from Microsoft Store or different online platform which offers add-ins for PowerPoint. Once they installed, add-ins is accessed right inside PowerPoint and seamlessly becomes part of your presentation.

Furthermore, add-ins ain’t just restricted to PowerPoint itself – they is also usable with other Microsoft Office applications like Word and Excel. This make switching between different Office programs simpler for users while still using the same tools and add-ins.

Moreover there is two kind of add-ons: ones that rely on the internet and those built through Component Object Model, or COM. Internet-based addons gets created using up-to-date web techs such as HTML CSS and JavaScript. They works across different platforms like Mac Windows even mobile gadgets which mean more folks can use them.

How can add-ins benefit you?

sticker with the inscription Benefits hangs with a clothespin on a rope on a blue background

Plug-ins is able to offer lots of advantages for you PowerPoint shows. They can be making your presentation more better in these ways:

First, add-ins is able to save peoples time and efforts. With right ones, you can do task that normally takes many steps in a single click. For instance, an add-in such as SlideUpLift let’s you make fancy slides quick by offering templates that are ready for use.

Next, add-ins do wonders for how nice your slides looks. Lots of add-ins has fancy design and movement tricks that makes your slideshows look way better and keeps the audience interested. Like take the Morph transition tool it lets things move real smooth from one slide to next which makes everything looks more slick and pro.

Thirdly add-ins helps you to collaborate more effectively with other people. Lot of these add-ins provides capabilities for real-time collaboration which allows many users for working together on the same presentation at once. It can be especially helpful in projects that involve teams or when you works remotely.

Finally add-ins can helps you to make your presentation more personal. Some of them provides different things like quizzes and games interactive this make it possible for create presentations that are more engaging and fun. It be really helpful when you’re doing education or training presentation.

These just few of the many advantage that add-ins could brings for yous PowerPoint presentation. With a ever-growing libraries of available add-ins their is no limits on how one can enhance his presentation skill and creates impactful slideshow.

Does using add-ins cost money?

Many add-in for PowerPoint has prices they might be a one-time buy or through subscription plan. But some simple add-ins could be free of charge. An addin’s price changes base on how complex it are and what features it gots.

Should you happens to be a student or works at a school place, it may be possible for getting extras without cost or less money by stuff like what Microsoft has with their Office 365 Education. Also some extras gives you small bits without paying but they asks for money if you wants everything they got.

You must to think careful about what you need and how much money you gots before you buy an add-on. Them fancy ones might be good if they make you do job better or talk nice. But sometimes, he can get one that’s almost the same but don’t cost as much or maybe none at all.

Thus, it’s suggest that you does some looking into and look at various choices before making a choice on buying add-in. You could also reads reviews and try demo versions of the add-ins to get good knowledge of what they can do and if it fits with your requirements. And always remembers that costs of add-ins be like an investment in enhancing PowerPoint presentations and save times and efforts over time.

Top add-ins for PowerPoint

flipchart, projector, canvas

We’ve talked about what add-ins is and the good things they does so now we goes into the best ones you can get for Microsoft PowerPoint.

Poll Everywhere

A well-liked PowerPoint add-on be Poll Everywhere: its a internet application what let you make interactive polls quizzes and surveys right inside your own presentation. This give capabilities for real-time audience responses which are ideal for engaging with live audiences in presentations or online meeting.

Poll Everywhere fits smooth with PowerPoint and is available via the “Insert” tab on tool bar. After inserted you can change how your poll look and choices like multiple choice or open questions. People can reply to polls using they mobile devices, them answers will show up straight away on the presentation slide.

Using Poll Everywhere bring plenty of good stuff to them presentations. It lets for bigger audience participation and engagement so your presentation turns more interactive and gonna stick in minds better. Plus that real-time response thing can be use for live polls and getting feedback what make it a handy tool for market research or when teachers need to assess students.

Poll Everywhere do have a price tag even though they offers a free version with fewer features the complete package need you to pay for subscription. Them charges may change based on how many peoples and polls you needs but discounts is there for schools and non-profit groups.


Like Poll Everywhere Mentimeter be a internet app what let people interact and get involved with PowerPoint presentation. It got lots of interactive things like voting quizzes word pictures and more stuff too. One thing Mentimeter do different its “Q&A” thingy where folks can put questions while the slideshow goes on without saying who they is. That’s real handy for big crowds or when you’re talking about touchy subjects. Plus Mentimeter show live results and make pictures outta data so it simple to stick numbers in your talk.

Mentimeter is reachable by clicking the “Insert” tab in PowerPoint and it’s simple to use even if you’re not familiar with add-ins. There’s a free version available that come with less features while the complete version need you to pay for a subscription. The cost plans changes based on how many participant and presentations you needs.

Mentimeter usage can really boost up how much the audience get involved and turns your presentation way more interactive and visual catchy. It even help save time by grabbing data and feedbacks on the spot so you don’t have to bother with surveys or polls after the talk is done but you gotta think about how much it’ll cost before getting a subscription.


A well-liked add-on for PowerPoint is Powtoon it’s a video animation program that let you make lively and captivating animated videos right in your presentation. There’s lots of customizable templates characters and animations that can inject life to your slides. You also able to record and bring audio into your videos which makes it ideal for put together narrated presentations.

Powtoon is available under the “Insert” tab in PowerPoint it’s interfaces be simple to use and customize. They have a no-cost version that have less features but for getting the complete version they need you to pay subscription fees. How much it costs depend on which plan someone pick they give price cuts for student and teacher.

When you uses Powtoon it make your presentation look better with good visuals and keeps peoples attention more. You can does different things like make training video, stuff for sellings or learning things. But if someone don’t got much money to spend, maybe they finds it too expensive.


SlideUpLift be an all-inclusive add-in for PowerPoint where it give you professional design templates icons diagrams and illustrations for make your presentation better. It also bring pre-designed slide layouts and graphic which saves time and efforts when you making slides that look good.

You finds the add-in by going to “Insert” tab in PowerPoint it easy for use and change because interface smart. A no cost version is there with not so many features but if you wants all of them, you pay a subscription. How much it costs depends on what plan peoples choose they give reduced prices for schools though.

SlideUpLift help you lots for making your presentations better by give good pictures to make slide more catchy. They got lots of layouts just right for many types of job areas so it’s really handy for when you need make professional shows. Still moneys might be something to think about if pockets ain’t deep.


Camtasia be a tool that let you capture and tweak videos right in PowerPoint. It give you different editing tools like putting comments, switch scenes, and motion effects to make your videos look expert-like. It also let importing pictures and sound to up the quality of them video presentations.

You can find the add-in under “Insert” tab in PowerPoint it’s easy to use for anyone even if they newbie. Camtasia haven’t got a free version but you buys it once instead of paying a subscription. The price might look more at first but it saves cash over time unlike them subscription-based add-ins.

When you uses Camtasia it makes your presentation better because it adds pictures that helps people pay more attention and remember stuff. It’s also good for making video lessons or teaching things but they cost a lot so maybe it stops some peoples from getting them. So, you got to really think about what you need and how much money you have before buying this extra thing.

iSpring Suite

iSpring Suite be an extensive add-on for PowerPoint what gives many functions to make your slides better. It let you makes interactive quizzes dialogue games and videotaped lectures right in the PowerPoint itself. It also give fancy animation and slide changes so making lively and interesting slideshows is simple.

The plug-in are accesible via the “Insert” tab in PowerPoint and its user interface is simple for navigate and make personalization. iSpring Suite give a free trial, but full version need a subscription cost. Price be different based on plan selected, but discount exist for educational place.

Utilizing iSpring Suite can significantly improve your presentation by including interactive parts which make them more engaging and look better. It also a helpful tool for making e-learning content or online course but the cost might be a concern for peoples with limited budgets.

Office Timeline

Office Timeline be a well-liked add-in for PowerPoint what allows the users to make good-looking, professional timelines right in their presentation. They gives a bunch of templates and customize choices so you can easy make timeline for projects plans milestones or historical event.

The add-in are accessible by the “Insert” tab on PowerPoint and it user-friendly interface allow for easy customizations. It offer a free version with limited feature but full version need a subscription fees. Costs can varies depending on plan chosen.

Office Timeline makes your presentation look better and more neat he also helps making project plans or follow along with progress which looks nice.


SketchIt be an add-in for PowerPoint what lets you to make hand-drawn sketches and diagrams in your presentation quick and easy. It give different customizable sketch styles which makes it perfect for creating visuals aids or show concepts.

You accesses the add-in via “Insert” tab in PowerPoint and it’s easy interface make simple to use. SketchIt give a free trial version but full version need a one-time purchase fees.

SketchIt have the power to make your presentation better with its special visual features even if you ain’t good at drawing or graphic stuffs cause it got ready-made sketch styles that helps save time and work but money might be an issue for some people.


What are some of the best PowerPoint add-ins for enhancing presentations?

Some of the best PowerPoint add-ins that can significantly enhance your presentations include Office Timeline for creating visually appealing Gantt charts and timelines, PowerPoint Labs for adding sophisticated animations and effects with just a few clicks, and Poll Everywhere for gathering live feedback from your audience. These tools are highly regarded by PowerPoint users for their ability to transform presentation slides into engaging and dynamic experiences.

How can Office Timeline improve my PowerPoint presentation?

Office Timeline is a powerful PowerPoint add-in that enables users to create professional-looking timelines and Gantt charts within Microsoft Office PowerPoint. With just a few clicks, you can generate detailed project visuals that help communicate complex information in an easy-to-understand format. This tool is particularly useful for project managers and anyone who needs to showcase project plans or timelines in their presentations.

Can PowerPoint Labs help me make my slides more interactive?

Absolutely! PowerPoint Labs is an innovative add-in that offers a variety of features to make your PowerPoint slides more interactive and visually appealing. It includes tools for spotlighting important information, creating seamless animations, and even magnifying parts of your slides during a presentation. These capabilities allow presenters to capture and maintain their audience’s attention effectively.

Is there a PowerPoint add-in that can help me gather feedback during a presentation?

Yes, Poll Everywhere is a fantastic PowerPoint add-in designed specifically for gathering live feedback from your audience. It allows presenters to create interactive polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions that participants can respond to in real-time using their smartphones. This direct engagement tool is excellent for making presentations more interactive and for collecting valuable insights from your audience.


In conclusion, add-ins for PowerPoint can greatly enhance your presentations by adding visual elements, interactivity, and organization to your slides. However, it is important to carefully consider your needs and budget before purchasing an add-in.

Some popular options include SlideUpLift, Camtasia, iSpring Suite, Office Timeline, and SketchIt. Explore these add-ins and see which one best fits your presentation needs. With the right add-in, you can take your PowerPoint presentations to the next level and make a lasting impression on your audience.

So why wait? Download an add-in today and start creating professional and engaging presentations that will captivate your audience! Happy presenting!

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