Diving into the Question Slide PowerPoint: An Informative Analysis

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The question slide on PowerPoint be a strong and flexible instrument for making you’re presentation better. It let you connect with audience, get feedbacks, and control the direction of your talk. In this informative analysis we goes deep into the question slide features in PowerPoint to see all the different ways it can be used and what good things it does.

We starts by talk about ways to make a question slide and different types of questions you can asks. Then we explore various method for customizing your question slides and making it look good.

Moreover we covers how to apply question slide on a live excellent presentation and the methods for uses of data collected from responses of audience. By finish this analyze you will holds an in-depth knowledge about question slide feature in PowerPoint and can be able to use it good into your own presentations Let’s start!

What is a Question Slide?

Businessman doing a presentation in a meeting with his team asking questions in a conference room.

Question slide be a unique kind of slide in PowerPoint it let you ask question to your crowd and collect their answers. It often used when you give presentations workshops and training session. This question slide add an interactive part to the presentation which make it more interesting for people watching.

Various kind of queries can be post on question slides, like multiple-choice, open-ended and scale rating ones. Depend on the aim of your presentation you chooses the type that fit best for your need. For instance if you look to collect rapid feedback from audience a multiple-choice question might be perfect whereas more detail answer calls for an open-ended question as they would fits better.

Question slides can be use in various ways. They can serves as a starting exercise at the start of your presentation for grabbing the audience attention and to make them involved. They can also be used as checkpoints throughout the presentation to ensure your audience is understanding the content and retaining information.

How to Create a Question Slide

Let's start to create. Stylist working with laptop in design studio

Making a question slide in PowerPoint follow these steps:

Go to the “Insert” tab and click on “New Slide.”

When you picks the “Question” choice in the “New Slide” section it give you ready-made templates for question slides. These slide saves time and effort cause they already looking good. You gets to pick from different designs colors and fonts so it fits with your presentation’s style.

When you wanting to build your own question slides from nothing, you can make it by putting in a blank slide and throwing in the needed parts yourself. This let you have more power over how it look but might be taking longer time for finish.

Another handy feature be “Duplicate Slide” option, when you make and tailor your first question slide they can duplicate them for more use in the presentation. It make sure consistency in design and save time by not having to recreate same question slide again.

You got to remember, adding a question slide into your presentation not have to be inside PowerPoint itself. Like if you using some online poll tool or like a survey site, you could stick the code for that questionnaire right into one of the slides. This way, they can collect answers on-the-spot and show them up on that particular question slide while you’re doing your presentation.

Choose “Question” choice from drop-down list.

After you choose “Question” selection a window pop up and it shows every question types you can pick. Them options might have them multiple choices open-ended ranking also Likert scale questions.

When you chooses the kind of question for you presentation think about what it is suppose to do and who will be listen. Like if the presentation supposed to give information maybe one should use questions that don’t have a definite answer to get feedbacks and thoughts. And if them in front of you comes from all sorts of places doing a multiple choice question that got a lot of different choices could make everybody feel included.

Furthermore, certain type of questions might need you to put in some answer choices or maybe a scale for rating. This can be done with no trouble by just clicking on them special spots on the slide and throwing in what options you wants. Be careful not to throw too much options at the question it’s asking, cause if there’s lots of choices it could muddle up or be too much for your listeners.

Pick the sort of question you wants to ask from them choices given.

Like we said before what kind of question you picks is based on the reason for your presentation. Here some ways different kinds of question slides can get used:

Multiple choice questions is good for get fast feedback or check what people know. You could put answers that talk about various parts of your talk, or ask questions based on what folks think.

Unrestrictive questions they be perfect for getting full answers and perspectives. They let people share what thinks freely giving useful understanding.

Scale rating question they measures how much or strong a certain answer is. It give more exact details and can be use for measuring if audience are happy or what they prefer.

Type you question in space provided on slide.

When you puts your question on the slide for questions it essential to stay clear and concise. Don’t use complicated language or jargons that might confuse people in your audience. Using simple direct language what easy for understand.

Also be sure that the question you’re asking have relevance to what you presented. It need to fit with the main point you making and help audience get a better grasp on subject.

You might think about throwing in some pictures or diagrams to your question slide for making things more interesting and clear up what you asking. These might be stuff like photos, charts or graphs that has to do with the subject you talking about. But watch out – don’t put too much stuff on there; it could take away from what’s important, which is the question itself.

Suppose you need to then put in options for answers or maybe a rating system with numbers.

Depending of what kind question you has chosen they may need to add answers choice or scale ratings. For multiple choices questions this where you can provide various option for audience to chose from.

In putting in answer options be sure they relevant and covers various sides of the question. Not give wrong or misleading choices cause it can mess up how accurate your data is.

In questions where you got to rate things they can pick between a number scale or one that uses words. A number kind of scale usually goes from 1 up to 5, where 1 is the worst and 5 is best. Word scales might have choices like “Totally Agree” “Just Agree” not feeling either way “Don’t really agree” and “Totally Disagree.”

Repeat these steps for each question you want to add to your presentation.

You can follow the same process outlined above for every question you want to add to your presentation. This will ensure consistency and a professional look throughout your slides.

It is also essential to consider the placement of your question slides within the overall flow of your presentation. For example, if you have multiple questions, you may want to insert them at key points in your presentation to keep your audience engaged and gather feedback on specific topics.

Additionally, you can use the “Question” option multiple times within one slide to add different types of questions. This allows for more variety and keeps the audience’s attention as they anticipate what type of question will come next.

Ways to customize your question slides

Aside from design elements, there are other ways to customize your question slides and make them more engaging for your audience. These include:

  • Including multimedia: You can incorporate videos or audio recordings related to the question topic to provide a diverse learning experience.

  • Using interactive features: Some presentation software allows you to add interactive features such as polls or quizzes to your question slides. This can increase audience engagement and provide immediate feedback.

  • Incorporating real-life examples: If applicable, you can use real-life examples or case studies related to the question topic to make it more relatable for your audience.

  • Asking for personal experiences: For open-ended questions, you can ask your audience to share their personal experiences or opinions on the topic. This can create a more interactive and personalized experience.

  • Incorporating humor: Depending on the tone and subject of your presentation, adding a touch of humor to your question slides can make them more memorable and keep the audience engaged.

Remember to always consider your audience when customizing your question slides. Make sure the customization adds value to their learning experience and contributes to the overall purpose of your presentation.

How to use the question slide during a live presentation

Once you have created your customized question slides, it is essential to know how to use them effectively during a live presentation. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Introduce the question slide: When transitioning to a question powerpoint slide, make sure to introduce it clearly and provide any necessary instructions or context.

  • Give enough time for the audience to respond: Depending on the type of question, give your audience enough time to read and consider their response before moving on.

  • Encourage participation: Remind your audience that their input is valuable and encourage them to participate in answering the question.

  • Acknowledge responses: If possible, acknowledge and discuss some responses from the audience. This can encourage further participation and provide a more interactive experience.

  • Use the results to facilitate discussion: After gathering responses, use them as a starting point for further discussion or reflection on the topic. You can also compare different responses and explore reasons behind them to deepen understanding.

  • Move on smoothly: Once the question has been addressed, smoothly transition to the next topic or slide.

Remember to practice using your question slides before your presentation to ensure smooth and effective delivery. Also, be adaptable and open to changes in how you use the slides based on audience engagement and response.

Benefits of using question slides

A collaborative work culture benefits everyone

Using question slides in your presentation can provide several benefits, both for you as a presenter and for your audience. Some of these include:

  • Engaging the audience: Question slides can be an effective way to keep your audience engaged and involved in the presentation. This creates a more interactive experience and increases retention of information.

  • Gathering feedback: By asking questions, you can gather feedback and opinions from your audience on specific topics. This can help you understand their perspectives and adapt your presentation accordingly.

  • Facilitating discussion: Question slides can serve as a starting point for deeper discussions on the topic at hand. They can also encourage critical thinking and reflection among the audience.

  • Adding variety: Incorporating different types of questions and interactive features can add variety to your presentation and keep the audience interested.

  • Assessing understanding: Asking questions throughout the presentation allows you to assess the audience’s understanding on various topics. This feedback can help you adjust your pace or clarify any unclear points.

Can you have too many question slides?

When you uses question slides they helps a lot but making sure not to put too many is key. How much slides there should be depends on how long and why you’re presenting. When choosing how many think about these things:

First, you got to think about when and how your presentation goes. Too much slides asking questions might break up the smoothness and they can make everything feel like not together or take more time than it should.

Next consider what the purpose for each question slide be. Do it relate to the main topic and do it provide benefits to your audience? If you catching yourself putting in questions just so there’s more of them perhaps you should reduce some.

Finally consider how much the audience can keep interested and in tune. If you see them getting bored or too much questions is making them stressed it’s better to use fewer of them questions.

Mistakes to avoid when using question slides

When you use question slides they make your presentation better but there are some usual errors to stay away from which includes.

  • Asking a lot of questions together this can overwhelm for audiences and might make them to lose focus. Is better to spread out your questions giving the audience time for process and responding.

  • Don’t forget that you audience could comes from varied backgrounds beliefs or have varying experiences. Try not to ask questions what might be offensive or leave out certain group of peoples.

  • They doesn’t gets ready for technical hitches, if you using interactive bits make sure testing them before and have backup in case of any technical problems so interruptions during the presentation is prevented.

  • Make your questions straightforward and unbiased. You shouldn’t use complex or suggestive questions that could influence how the audience answer.


What are PowerPoint templates?

PowerPoint templates are pre-designed layouts for creating presentations within Microsoft PowerPoint. They often include various slide designs, color schemes, and fonts to help users create professional and engaging presentations more efficiently.

How do Google Slides templates differ from PowerPoint templates?

Google Slides templates are similar to PowerPoint templates but are specifically designed for use with Google’s presentation software. These templates offer pre-made designs and formatting options to aid in creating visually appealing presentations within Google Slides.

What makes a great presentation stand out?

A great presentation stands out when it has a well-crafted presentation style, utilizes engaging PowerPoint slides or Google Slides, and incorporates a professional and visually appealing presentation template that creates a lasting impression on the audience.

What are key questions to consider when creating professional PowerPoint or Google Slides presentations?

Key questions to consider when creating professional presentations include choosing the right PowerPoint template or Google Slides template, ensuring the presentation is visually captivating, and maintaining a cohesive and engaging presentation style while delivering the content effectively.


Utilize question slides they is a strong method for improving your talk and keep your audience interest. Make sure you use them with strategy, remembering the advice and things to consider we talked about before. This way you creates an interactive and rememberable learning moments for them audience.

Also you should always try make your question slides better and more suited for what your audience need from the feedbacks they give. Doing this gonna make each of your presentation stronger every time. Wishing you joy in giving presentations!

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