How To Star A Slide In Powerpoint

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Powerpoint are a strong software for make presentations what effectively deliver your message to audiences. It give different features and tools like animation, transition and support for multimedia making your slides visual attractive and engaging.

In Powerpoint they can star or marks particular slide that be important or need more attention from audience. Starring slides makes it stands out and pulls the audiences focus towards them particular slides.

This guide gonna show us how to start slide in Powerpoint by various ways and we talks about when and why you’d wanna use this feature in your presentation.

What is Starring a Slide?


Staring slides in Powerpoint is like saving a page spot in your reading book. It let you to flag certain slides for easy navigation while you’re presenting. This function come handy when presentations got lots of slides and they needs to move fast to the key ones.

Favoriting a slide don’t change what’s on it or how it looks none; it just slaps a star mark by the slide’s mini picture in that view where you see all slides. This lets them and your listeners find and pay attention to them slides better when you’re giving the talk.

Also too starring a slide it’s not the same than making it highlighted. While highlighting do change how the slides look starring only put a visual sign without to alter what’s in the content.

Method to Star a Slide

Different ways be available for beginning a slide in Powerpoint they depends on what you likes and the Powerpoint version being utilized. Here some common methods:

Method 1: Using the Slide Sorter View

One of easy way to start slides in Powerpoint be by using Slide Sorter view. This technique work for all version of Powerpoint and it good for adding star to many slide at once.

To begin a slide through this technique first you has to change over to Slide Sorter view by pressing on “Slide Sorter” button in bottom right corner from Powerpoint window. This view show all your slides as thumbnails which make it simpler for see and sort them.

In Slide Sorter view you clicks on slide you wants to star. Next go to “Slide Show” tab and hits “Set Up Slide Show” button. In pop-up menu checks box beside “Always start from selected slide” then click “OK”. This adds star icon to selected slide showing it is now starred.

For star lots of slides in one go you can keep pressing Ctrl key while choosing all slide that needs to be starred then do the same thing like before.

Method 2: Using Custom Slideshow

One other way for starting slides in Powerpoint be through the Custom Slideshow feature. This method come handy when you needs to make a personalized presentation with certain slides like a summary or an interactive quiz.

To start a slide with this technique you first chooses the slide that you wants to mark. Next goes to “Slide Show” tab and clicking on the “Custom Slide Show” button. In drop-down menu clicks on “Custom Shows.” On pop-up window click “New” and name your custom slideshow.

Next step involve, you choose slide you want beginning with from slide list left side and click “Add”. Then hit “OK” for saving your personalized slideshow.

When you wants to show next time, head on over the “Slide Show” tab and hit “Custom Slide Show”. Choose yous custom slideshow from dropdown list and only slides with stars gets included in the presentation.

Method 3: Using Custom Animation

A third way for start a slide in Powerpoint be through the Custom Animation function which let you put in animations effect like stars or blinking edges on you slides.

To starts a slide using these method select the slide you wants to star and goes to Animations tab. Then click on Add Animation and selects the animation effect you want to uses. You can also customizes the effect by clicking on Effect Options.

After you puts the animation on click “Add Animation” button once more and pick the same slides from slide lists. This time choose a another kind of animation effects that can spotlight the slide in some manner.

For each slide you wants to highlight with a star, do this step again. They becomes simple to spot when you is giving your talk.

Method 4: Using the Star Symbol

Finally you can as well throw in a star icon onto your slide by hitting on that “Insert” tab. This way be handy for them times when you desires to slap stars onto each of the text boxes or pictures laying around on the slides.

For using this method first you selects the object what you needing to put star on then proceed to “Insert” tab. You clicks “Symbol” choosing a star symbol from that list after you can resize and place stars where it needed.

With the method you likes best it easy to highlight slides making presentation more lively and interesting. But when and why do you use this function?

When to Use Starring a Slide

The ability to star a slide can come in handy in various situations. Here are some instances where you may want to use this feature:

  • To highlight important information or key points: Starring slides with essential information or key messages ensures that the audience pays attention to those specific points during the presentation.

  • To create a custom agenda or summary: By starring slides that represent different sections of your presentation, you can easily navigate to these points and provide a quick overview or recap for your audience.

  • To facilitate interactive quizzes or games: Starring slides with questions or tasks during a live presentation can make it more interactive and engaging for the audience. It also helps you stay on track and keep the presentation flowing smoothly.

  • To personalize a presentation for different audiences: By creating multiple custom create slideshows with starred slides for different audiences, you can tailor your presentation to their needs and interests.

  • To identify slides for future editing or reference: Starring slides can also serve as a visual cue for yourself when reviewing or editing your presentation in the future. It helps to easily spot and focus on specific slides without having to scan through all of them.

  • To add visual interest and variety to your slides: Starring slides using different methods, such as animation effects or symbols, can make your presentation more dynamic and visually appealing.

Does Starring Affect the Slide Order?

When you star a slide in Powerpoint it do not affect order of your slides. Your presentation will still follow same sequence as before unless you use Custom Slideshow method mentioned earlier.

Yet when you favorites certain slides it might interfere with the way your presentation goes. Suppose you choose to begin from a chosen slide with the “Set Up Slide Show” method your presentation gonna kick off on that slide every time messing up the first sequence.

Likewise if you uses stars for pinpointing certain sections or points within your talk it might disturb how you’s moving between the slides and give your material. Hence it’s crucial to think about the flow of your presentation before you star them slides.

It also worth to note that when you use Method 4 which utilize the star symbol, this star gonna act like a separate object in your slide and not necessarily affecting element’s order on slide.

Can any Slide be Starred?

Certainly any slide in Powerpoint can get a star by using the method talked about before. This ability is there for the both desktop and online versions of Powerpoint. Also you could use it on all kind of slides like title slides content slides and even blank ones.

It important to remember that marking a slide with star might not be need for every presentations. They should only get use when there’s a specific reasons or advantages for it. Too many slides with stars could also distract your audiences and remove from the whole messages of you’re presentation.

In addition, when you be sharing your presentation with other people the slides that got stars on them might not hit as hard as when you is delivering it in person. So it’s really important to only use this special feature a little bit and smartly. Also like always make sure to go over and try out your presentation before showing it so everything goes off without a hitch.

Benefits of Starring a Slide

Man pointing up with finger feeling excited with open mouth, showing benefit of commercial offer

There is many advantage when you star a slide in Powerpoint. Some benefits includes

  • Enhance finding your way and keeping stuff in order: When you put stars on important slides they can find their place more simple through the presentation and stay neat.

  • Upgraded crowd involvement: Starry slides makes you talk more interactive and engaging for them audience particularly when used in quizzes or games that’s interactive.

  • Personalizations for various listeners with skills to make unique slide shows featuring starred slides you can shapes your talk to different viewers and makes it more pertinent for them.

  • Visual lure: Star-filled slides what uses diverse techniques like animations or icons adds more visual intrigue and mix-up in your presentations making them look better and full of life.

  • Efficient edit and reference: Use stars for visual cue in youre presentation make it easy to spotting and focusing on special slides while review or editing.

Mistakes to Avoid when Starring Slides

While starring slides can be an effective and useful feature, there are some common mistakes that presenters should avoid. These include:

  • Overdoing it: As mentioned earlier, using stars too frequently or unnecessarily can be distracting for the audience and take away from the main message of your presentation.

  • Not considering the flow of your presentation: Starring slides without considering the overall flow of your presentation can disrupt the natural progression and cause confusion for both you and your audience.

  • Not testing beforehand: Before using any feature in a live presentation, it is essential to test it out beforehand to ensure it works smoothly and does not cause any problems or glitches.

  • Using stars as a crutch: While starring slides can be helpful, relying on them too heavily to remember your content or transition between slides can hinder your natural flow and delivery as a presenter.

  • Not explaining the significance of starred slides: If you do choose to star specific slides in your presentation, it is essential to explain their significance to your audience. Otherwise, they may not fully understand why certain slides are starred and may not pay attention to them.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can effectively use the starring feature in Powerpoint to enhance your presentations and engage your audience. Remember to use it thoughtfully and sparingly for maximum impact.


How do I start a new blank presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint?

To start a new blank presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, part of the Microsoft Office suite, open the PowerPoint software and select “New” from the file menu. Look for the “Blank Presentation” option and click on it. This will create a new blank presentation where you can begin creating slides for your PowerPoint presentation. Remember to save your presentation with a unique name to keep your work secure.

What are the initial steps to setup slide transitions in a PowerPoint presentation?

To setup slide transitions in a PowerPoint presentation, first ensure you have created or selected the slide you wish to apply the transition to. Then, navigate to the “Transitions” tab in the Microsoft PowerPoint interface. Here, you can browse through various transition options. Click on a slide transition to preview it and, if satisfied, apply it to your slide.

How can I add a star shape to my slides when creating slideshows in PowerPoint?

Adding a star shape to your slides is a simple way to enhance your PowerPoint presentations. To do this, go to the slide where you want to add the star. Click on the “Insert” tab in the toolbar, then select “Shapes.” From the dropdown menu, find the star shape under the “Stars and Banners” section or a similar category, depending on your version of PowerPoint.

Can I use the same slide transition for all slides in my PowerPoint presentation?

Yes, you can apply the same slide transition to all slides in your PowerPoint presentation to maintain a consistent look and feel throughout. After selecting and customizing your preferred slide same transition for one slide, click on the “Apply to All” button within the “Transitions” tab. This action will apply the chosen transition with all the settings you’ve adjusted to every slide in your presentation, creating a cohesive slideshow experience with your presentation software.


Generally, using stars on Powerpoint slides could prove beneficial for speakers looking to sort and better their speeches. Them helps catch the viewer’s eyes makes moving through the slides smoother and it is customizable for varied groups of people. Yet, these features had to be implemented thoughtfully and not too much so as not distracting or interrupting your talk’s rhythm.

In using any function of Powerpoint it essential for practice and test your presentation before you do it to make sure the performance go well. Also don’t forget explaining why slides with stars important to them audience so they gets it better and interact more.

Keep these pointers with you so you’s can use the star feature smart in Powerpoint make your talks stand out and stick in people’s memories. Go on then, start starring! Enjoy when you’re presenting!

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